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石田尚子 / Naoko Ishida

代表 ・プロデューサー
/ CEO ・Producer

大阪有線放送社番組制作部を経て、1993年株式会社スクウェア入社。ゲーム「Final Fantasy」の創始者であり、副社長の坂口博信の秘書として、開発セクションの人事、プロジェクトマネージャー、新規事業立ち上げなどに従事。「Final Fantasy the Movie」プロジェクト始動によりアメリカハワイ州に駐在。



2022年7月映像製作企画開発集団 Now Plusを始動。

Joined Square Co., Ltd. in 1993 after working in the Program Production Department of Osaka Cable Broadcasting Co. As executive assistant to Hironobu Sakaguchi, founder and vice president of the "Final Fantasy" game series, it was involved in human resources, project management, and the launch of new businesses in the development section. It was stationed in Hawaii, U.S.A., when the "Final Fantasy the Movie" project was launched.

Joined as a producer at new CG production company which FF movie VFX team launched .

It has been involved in Japanese and Chinese entertainment business at United Smiles Inc. since 2018.

In July 2022, it has launched Now Plus, a video production planning and development group.

石田尚子 / Naoko Ishida
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